The Three Conversations® in Birmingham City Council
In 2017 Dr Graeme Betts Director Adult Social Care set the vision for work with Adults within
Birmingham. The transformation of adult social care practice in Birmingham was launched in March 2018.
The 3 Conversations Framework and Family Group Conferencing focus on social work practice and the commissioning led Neighbourhood Networks Scheme focusses on co-production with citizens and communities.
Birmingham committed to a phased rollout approach to the 3 Conversations framework. Teams were encouraged to directly report any issues,concerns and potential solutions in live time throughout roll-out. In following this methodology frontline workers have directly developed all paperwork, processes and guidance through reflection in and on practice and appreciative enquiry. Rollout across all Adult Social Care teams will be complete in December 2020.
Birmingham Taking the Initiative: Changes and Challenges in Working Differently with Adults
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