Reflections from a Social Worker

This week Daksha interviews Chrissie, a Social worker from one of the innovation sites in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, about her experience of the 3 Conversations approach and the difference this has made both to the people and families they support and also to the staff working in this way.  They consider how practice differs from their previous way of working, sharing a story which illustrates the difference and benefits of the approach.

Linking Together

08/07/19 – Welcome to our first blog. Each week we will take turns in giving you a little update of how the innovation site is going. I don’t think that with all the initial challenges of finding somewhere to work from, we can believe that Week One is done! We celebrated the end of our first week with a couple of after work drinks on Friday at our local, The Stag and Hound, which was really lovely. It was nice to acknowledge the efforts of everyone and their contribution to making this happen. I’m hoping we will keep this as…